Monday, February 20, 2012

Hospitality Club host in LA: Peter

Before leaving home, I had also spotted Peter's (HC:rotscher) profile in the listing of friendly Hospitality Club members in Los Angeles. I had already written a comment about him, which meant we must have met (but I had forgotten by now). Turns out we did actually meet in Leipzig (he's from there) when we were there in 2003 with our peace bus. And even more, he was one of the very early members who tried Hospitality Club already in 2002 and then sent us a little report about his experience in India which is online to this day on the site.

He replied with a friendly offer to host me just a few minutes after Adam and Eva and so after three days staying with them, he picked me up so I could experience yet another side of LA life in the house he shared with 2 other friends and his girlfriend Sarah. It was only when he picked me up that he told me that he and Sarah had actually also met through HC - he hosted her 5 years ago in Buenos Aires. They are planning to get married in Germany next year, and while staying with him (she was traveling in South America, so only met her on Skype), I received an invitation to my next HC wedding. Yay! :-)

It was fun hanging out with Peter, going out to a club in Hollywood with his very friendly housemates, eating his masterly prepared fish and watching him record a Valentine's day song with my camera. Just later I realized that I didn't take a proper photo of him with that very same camera, so Peter, where's that video?

only pic of Peter I took
One of the nicest things of staying with him was definitely the view from the house over the neighborhood to the skyline of downtown LA. I love places with a view. There was a great couch outside for me to smoke on, and the large window of the living room made for a great location for two workdays updating the blog and researching and booking all flights for stage 2 of this trip.
living room with a view
my favorite smoking spot in LA
LA skyline from the house
So yes, thanks again Peter and friends - enjoy Beijing and looking forward to your wedding and meeting Sarah next year in Germany!

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